Globism is the effort to create global wealth. In short, Globism is a practical philosophy for a successful globalization. People who support Globism call themselves "Globists". For them not only the personal wealth but also the wealth of others in a global society is important. They put "Think globally, act locally" into reality.
Globism is a generic term with roots from many cultures. In this short text, its most important aspects are described. It can be spread, copied and translated by anyone, as long as the original sources are indicated.
What is wealth?
When everything that people need for their lives is available to them, they live in wealth. Wealth is not luxury!
The ultimate goal
All people are interested in wealth, work with diligence, intelligence and creativity to achieve it and prevent it from being destroyed by waste or destruction, and enjoy it in earthly "paradises".
How does Globism proceed?
Even today we have large regions where people have lived in wealth for a long time. Wealth, therefore, is not a utopia. Globism generalizes, transforms and spreads the principles that have proved successful. The ideas of Globism have been tested, but not yet universally known. They are documented by experienced and successful people. For example, by politicians, managers and experts on retirement who are sufficiently independent to write honestly about it and do not pursue commercial interests any more. With their valuable knowledge they provide the base for a better world. New technology helps to disseminate this knowledge quickly.
The change to new rules will most effectively take place in limited areas - such as cities - that may even be created for that purpose. Especially coastal regions offer this possibility. They are in exchange with the world, open for experiments, with fewer prejudices and less resistance to new ideas. But its application is not limited. Anybody, individuals as well as entire nations, can benefit from existing knowledge. Also aiming at sub-goals and sub-aspects can lead to improvements.
Globism has no missionaries, no coercion. Its distribution is by imitation, insight, and choice. Its main medium is the Internet, the lingua franca is simple English, its ethos Global Ethics ("Treat others as you would like being treated"). Globism is compatible with all large, tolerant religions as well as atheism. Globism is a belief, but it is neither an ideology nor a religion. If new views prove to be better than the old ones, they will be welcome as long as the goal of global wealth is achieved.
Globism accepts people as they are. They don't have to change fundamentally. But it might be necessary for the systems into which the human beings are integrated to change or to be changed. So may be there will be new rules, new patterns of thinking, new paradigms and different beliefs or procedures.
The following circumstances are new in the history of mankind and Globism uses them all:
- We are many people on Earth. "Many" is not only a large number, there also exits the most diverse cultures and skills.
- There are more and more old people, successful and with great experience, who are able to formulate valuable, proven knowledge.
- There are large, wealthy regions, which have the freedom and creativity to experiment with new ideas, which can afford - with no harm to themselves - to share their knowledge, and which have enough money for investments.
- We can, with little effort and minimum costs, share our experience with the whole world.
- We have global markets, global trade, global ethics and global institutions. We are on the way to a global society.
What are the important parameters we need to consider? I am going to try to describe them in terms of these simple rules:
1. We can no longer grow as a human race as fast as in the past. The question of how many children we should have is therefore a central one, at least for those regions that are not yet living in wealth.
2. We need to learn faster. We must improve our common knowledge and document, share, and exploit it better. Existing laws to protect intellectual property protection rights need modifying. The aim must be that not only the protection of investments is important, but also the common use of knowledge by all humanity. We need more freedom and areas to test new rules and developments.
3. Our economic models have to be fair and they must also be attractive for those who do not live in wealth. We need to offer legal alternatives to crime.
4. We cannot exclude anyone who can contribute to wealth.
5. We promote global activities through trade and cooperation, tourism and sports, science and culture.
6. We must not waste or destroy so many resources. Any human activity that consumes resources but does not contribute to value must be questioned.
7. Infrastructure needs more attention. A well-balanced mixture of state and market ensures reliability and diversity. We need to better manage energy in addition to the provision of clean water.
8. Our lifetime is limited and we must use this time more effectively. It must not only be wasted, but should also be enjoyed. In a time profile our future must assume a significant role.
9. In order to communicate worldwide, we need secure and reliable communication networks everywhere and the knowledge of simple English.
10. Our constitutions, legislative and executive institutions support security, confidence and optimism. Control functions ensure that they cost as little as possible.
11. We need to bring more joy into our everyday lives.
12. We must create incentives for people to behave more humanely, especially towards children, the elderly and the sick. We cannot assume that people improve automatically, but we can create global institutions that support and enforce Global Ethics.
Last, but not least, we must start with the opportunities we have today. The improvements necessary will be continuous, well thought out and tackled gradually .
What is new about Globism?
Nothing in Globism is fundamentally new, but it has different priorities than the existing ways of thinking. It is important that it creates a positive concept and provides a common name for the many movements to tackle the major problems of humanity.
Perhaps the most important issue is birth control. For the rich countries it is no longer relevant, because their birth rate is already low. But the poor countries will require a long transition period, before birth control is successful and practical.
Globists generously share goods, which will grow by sharing them, such as knowledge and joy. That requires far-reaching changes in copyright and patent protection laws.
The economic basis is the social market economy, a moderate form of capitalism. The state sets the framework for the economic actors. Especially for the basic infrastructure the state is responsible, either directly or indirectly. It will not be left entirely to the market. The social market economy, however, will have to undergo further modifications, such as the search for the lowest prices for entry-level and base offers that everyone can afford.
Without an effective use of time, the creation of wealth is not possible. An optimal time profile will ensure that especially the investments in future developments are not neglected. Taking care of vital resources should provide their long-term availability. Sustainability prevents the exploitation of nature, which would always happen at the expense of our offspring.
Globists take responsibility for their own actions and avoid destructions of any kind. They make use of recycling, wherever possible. They also avoid loss of time, reduce waiting and provide for the adjustment of changes at optimal speeds. Wastage should be avoided, too.
Globists provide low-priced or even free products that are globally oriented, but can be exploited locally, helping people to develop themselves. One convincing example is Google, with its search functions and data (e.g. Google Earth).
Globists create miniature paradises in this world of ours. These havens are temporally and spatially defined locations with great safety and great freedom and joy, providing facilities for e.g. sport, pleasure, entertainment, or the acquisition of knowledge.
What affects Globism?
There are many factors that influence Globism. Not all of them will always be present at the same time. The great number of ideas should not stop us from implementing a few. Even if only one or two aspects come true, they might positively influence global well-being.
Changes without risk do not exist. Thus we will have to permit freedom and flexibility. Freedom also means that mistakes may be made once. Globists reduce such risks by applying best practices in limited new environments only. This reduces learning the "hard way", because the mistakes have already been made by others and we can build, hopefully, on their solutions.
But knowledge alone is not enough. It must be coupled with optimism and orientation towards future. It must be possible to build up confidence among partners. If there is no trust in agreements, the cost of distrust is too high.
Education plays a central role for wealth. It is considered as an important investment for the future. In order to reduce the influence of myths, a period of enlightenment is helpful. Enlightenment and tolerance between religions owing to separation of church and state can help to create peaceful coexistence in a world where the boundaries are increasingly eliminated.
Equal opportunities, the promotion and development of all talents in a society will be easier in democracies. Unfortunately, history shows us that democratic structures cannot automatically guarantee that. Democracies are effective when their citizens are well educated and when old-fashioned traditions do not constitute additional barriers. The biggest problem of democracies is the slowness of decisions. Good constitutions ensure that decisions can be made expeditiously. Today a global catalogue of constitutions is available and we know all their advantages and disadvantages. It up to us to make the right choice.
In addition to natural resources free trade has always been an important source of wealth. It is considered fair when each party has advantages and gets its share. The participation of many who benefit will stabilize trade. Attempts to restrict trade have always proved detrimental in the long run, few regulations, however, as an advantage. Fast, cheap and secure transactions facilitate trade. Global agreements support the exchange of goods and ideas and are also beneficial to peace.
Those who are and will remain successful must persistently pursue their goals. It is not enough to have the right idea. Even with the best idea difficulties will arise which must be overcome. Perseverance, diligence, efficiency, and creativity go together. Too many work restrictions impede development. Wealth needs people who want to take risks and a positive role of entrepreneurship helps them to have the courage to start.
Wealth creation will be encouraged when it is certain that people will benefit from it in the long run. It is therefore important to prevent, and, if necessary, to fight corruption and crime, to protect property, and to have independent courts, low taxes and secure borders, which can be defended. Power sharing (check and balances) will prevent the unbalanced concentration of power in too few hands. Networks provide more security, because they make risks easier to manage. It is therefore important to extend and secure them.
Humanity, as formulated in the Global Ethics, summarizes the major global, rules of morality and is a foundation for the religion of peace. Tolerance is more easily achieved by distance and respect than dialogue, which might easily escalate. The protection of children, the elderly and the sick must be a natural duty to society. That is how we differ from animals.
Freedom to act also includes freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of movement and travelling opportunities.
Globism in Practice
The following simple statements may help in difficult situations to make faster and better decisions. They are not necessarily consistent, therefore they require personal judgment:
Communication and cooperation are important cornerstones of social actions. Global cooperation is possible.
Don't exclude anyone from society who can contribute to wealth. Fairness and responsibility!
The solution is in the middle, no radical positions.
Don't jeopardize the future. Think globally, act locally.
Change and improve. Never give up learning.
Save and invest. Comply with contracts. Build trust.
As much as necessary, as little as possible.
Offer knowledge to all. Identify and test opportunities.
Better fast than complete. Evolution, not revolution. Even small steps bring about change, and they destroy less .
Cleanliness, order, hygiene, and care make life easier.
Good quality through good tools and good management.
Nets provide safety. Easy access to the Internet.
Respect for the foreign and unknown. Isolation of disputates.
Avoid legal uncertainty. Foster global agreements and norms.
Accurate clocks show time as a precious resource.
Clean water is the most precious food.
Energy management as a political core competence.
Lean governments, with little cost for the citizens.
Skin care, massage. One hour of exercise a day as a basis for health.
Sport is a good basis for international contacts.
Travel & Tourism promote wealth.
Generosity contributes to fame.
Diligence, intelligence and creativity create wealth. Security, protection against waste or destruction obtain it.
Globism does not interfere with
- Religions
- Human Rights
- Sex and marriage
- Festivals or celebrations
- Culture
- Nutrition
That list might surprise you, but it is the result of the conviction that for all those items a more radical change would be necessary to people than is possible in practice, at least for the time being. It is much more important to focus on the creation of wealth than to try to exert power over the personal needs of people.
Obstacles to prosperity and wealth
In the following, many items are listed which are generally regarded as an obstacle to wealth. They will never disappear completely, but it would help to control them better. People have already learned a lot, and the global human race has already survived many crises, and has always been able to learn. The following list can be expanded ad libitum.
Through preventive measures to avoid or reduce:
- War, especially civil war, flight, refugees, too much influence of the army.
- Any form of uncertainty, collective fear, populism, unchecked power, illiteracy, terrorism, professional crime, mafia structures and corruption.
- Inflation, devaluation, loss of property, unemployment, frequent strikes, legal uncertainty.
- Epidemic diseases, addictions, and drugs.
- Isolation, closed borders, blockades.
- Foreseeable consequences of natural disasters.
Potential dangers of Globism
Any form of development or worldview, including Globism, is exposed to risks. . Solidification is perhaps the greatest danger. Where wealth prevails, nobody is willing to put their wealth at stake. As a consequence the paradigms lose their meaning, they are no longer questioned or improved and will eventually become ineffective.
Envy and isolation will occur. If no preventive countermeasures are taken, they will become a real threat. The easiest way to overcome envy is by sharing wealth, knowledge and joy, and to overcome isolation by trade, sports, exchange and travel.
Symbols of Globism
The blue ball is quite obvious, and so is the blue circle. With full intention the World Wide Web is associated with World Wide Wealth. WWW means to me not only the World Wide Web but also a more prosperous world. Indeed, the internet has changed the world and has made the creation of wealth and a Global Society dramatically easier.
Background and Motivation
It was my intention to write a guide to overcome poverty where the term "poverty" is avoided, which is easy to read and which is freely available. I am aware that I have no power, but I wanted to take my chance at the end of my life to make my contribution.
People are only motivated to achieve great tasks when they know that the goal is attainable. In addition, it helps if you can give it a name, if there are role models and if a road is visible. All this is available to us today.
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